I spent most of the weekend working with my young fella on his vocabulary:
I'd say "Kitty!" he'd say "BUH!"
I'd say "Mama!" he'd say "Vava!" (he's just learned the V sound)
I'd say "Dada!" he'd say "Dada!" (dang)
I'd say "Chicken!" he'd say "BUH!"
So I got clever and say "Book!" and he'd say "BUH!" and I'd go "Yay! That's right!!"
And so on. He also tried to get a finger up one of my nostrils quite often. I guess he's curious.
Yesterday he didn't eat much of his dinner which was chicken nuggets and green beans. I found out why he didn't have much of an appetite when I fed him his last bottle at 7. He threw it up, along with what little of his dinner he ate, poor guy.
I bathed him and changed him, and we waited a bit to see how he felt. He seemed okay but naturally about 10 minutes later once I put him to bed he hurled his lunch. I'm serious - he had pineapple and cheese and it came up in whole undigested chunks. I'll pause for a minute so you can concentrate on the visual.
I got him cleaned up and the bed changed and rocked him until he got quiet again. He threw up once more, but it was only a little liquid so after a little cleanup he finally got to sleep around 9pm.
Oh, I also think I had a reaction to the new round of antibiotics: my arms have bumps all up and down them with little red welts in the center. They don't itch, it just looks bad. I'm waiting to hear from my doc to see what he recommends.
Here's the last two installments of the trip report with the nifty pictures:
Part 4
Part 5
Getting Things Organized
8 years ago
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