Monday, November 28, 2005

Sleeping on the Quilt

Sleeping on the Quilt
Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
Brenden Week 25:

Well this was the Worst Thanksgiving Ever. Brenden caught a stomach virus, probably the same one I had. He has vomited and had diarhea since Thursday night. He's better today; both of us are 'out sick' while I try to get him to eat normally.

Turkey day was a turkey because of his sickness, but I'm also real annoyed at a skydiver. I won't go into details - let's just say for the first time ever I had to ban someone from my home. [Extremely Crude Expletive Deleted] deserved it, however.

I hope everyone's Turkey Day was better than ours. The fried turkey came out real good, however.

Oh! One bit of good news about the stomach virus. I'm down to 158 pounds. Still, not my ideal way to lose weight.

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