Thursday, September 29, 2005

Vacation was a blast. Between Jon and Brenden, overall, I'd say B handled the car ride better. He had a small meltdown on the way there (I got the idea that he wanted to stay at the Taco Bell because as soon as I put his fanny back in his car seat he had a conniption fit) and none on the way back.

We stayed at my Grandparents' old place near Clayton, Oklahoma with my dad and his wife. Was the house smaller? Yes. The trees seemed bigger, though. The weather was hot, but not as humid as Alabama so we didn't suffer too bad.

Dad and Ilu are building a much bigger home on the other end of the property. It should be finished by January. That will be so kewl; I hope Brenden will be able to fly by then so Jon won't have to squirm his way through another 10 hour car ride.

Matter of fact Jon took one look at a meadow on my aunt Anna's property and started salivating at the prospect of landing the Cessna right there. He can but first he has to drop B and I off at the McAlester Airport.

Among our activities we investigated the landscape in four wheelers, especially my aforementioned aunt's property. We stopped near a dry creekbed and refamiliarized ourselves with our handgun. It has been at least 5 years since I shot any one anything. Then I got my four wheeler stuck on some rocks in a river bed.

We also went fishing in the Kiamichi on Saturday. To our surprise, the fish were biting. It was really too hot, but Saturday had high overcast because of Hurricane Rita, plus the wind was blowing just enough to keep us cool and the insects off. The biggest surprise is we were casting using artificial lures, and we caught 3 nice sized channel catfish. They don't normally strike at lures but I'm not complaining. Them's good eatin and they made a nice Sunday brunch.

Saturday night was blustery with a little rain. It's a shame Rita didn't hang around there for a little bit because southeastern Oklahoma is in the middle of a long drought. Sunday it was back to the same old hot. We decided to fish again on Monday and had good luck again: two channel cats, one bass, and a drumfish. The drum is too bony to eat and the bass was too small so we threw everything back. I almost landed a ginormous channel cat but the line snapped at a swivel. Really, you *should* have seen the one that got away. I'm sure the cat's friends are admiring his new lip piercing.

Brenden had himself a good time too - he was doted on by any passing woman, especially his abuela (who I would like to thank profusely for watching him at night!). And dad had fun with him too. Thank you guys for letting us stay with you for a while! I'm glad B can adjust so readily to different people and circumstances - I hope he is able to keep this trait. Next time he gets to go fishing. We'll just stick him in a pool floatie and let his little feet dangle in the water. When he starts crying we'll pull him in and grab the catfish hanging from his little toes.

And now for something completely different: more search queries!!

naked little Naked little what? Naked little boobies? Naked little mice? Naked little hot dogs?

naked sandy Hehehehe. Sorry bud, no naked pictures of me. If you go to my Flickr account, you can see my NEKKID PREGNANT BELLEH!!!

pretty child naked You sick wretch. Do yourself a favor and remove your genitalia before you hurt someone.

naked female skydivers Hahahahaha! Dude, just *go* to a drop zone. Things can get pretty wild on Saturday nights if you go to the right one. I highly recommend you go to the World Freefall Convention next year where there's a party every night for 10 days.

is sleeping naked good Why yes! Yes, it is. It feels great to not have anything binding you. The only thing that sucks about it is if you have a fire or something and you have to scoot your flabby ass out of the house and your neighbors get an eyefull.

little boys naked Please, just die. You are worthless scum and deserve to have your penis and testicles scraped off with a bulldozer blade.

I admit it. I don't much like NAMBLA types. No offense meant to the National Association of Marlon Brando Look-Alikes.

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