Brenden had his 2 Month checkup Monday. He is now 13 pounds, 8 ounces and 24 inches tall. He also received his first immunization shots, which he did not like very much. He calmed down pretty fast though, and slept most of the day. He was somewhat cranky when he wasn't sleeping but no fever thank goodness. And now it's time for:
Letter to Brenden: Month 2
Time flew by during my maternity leave. I'm back at work and I'm missing you. You have grown fast and have all ready outgrown a huge selection of clothing. You don't much like being on your tummy which is a shame. I don't want you to miss the crawling stage. Having said that, I have noticed that you have more strength in your neck even though you tend to still slouch when you are put in your chair or the stroller.
I got to experience your first howl of pain (since being yanked from my uterus) when I tried to pick you out of your crib and you lurched forward and banged your head against the railing. Scared the shit out of me and I cried along with you. You weren't even bruised! Still, I'm sorry hon. I'll be more careful.
When I look at you, the way you move your mouth, your facial expression, and your hands seem to indicate you are on the verge of saying something. When you do say something it has a lot of vowels in it. You have started saying "Goo!" as well. I am seriously considering teaching you sign language. At first I heard that it would retard your ablility to speak but then I found out that was incorrect. From what I now gather it helps speed up speaking. It might be fun. I already know the signs for "eat", "milk", "more", and "poop", thanks to the movie Meet the Fokkers.
The new things you do this month is you will sometimes smile at me if I smile at you and say something. I love that. You will also wave your little arms and legs around more excitedly. It's odd, because you do the same thing when you are restless or tired, but there is a difference in the way you move. I can tell the difference between the "Whee, I'm having fun!" waving and the "This blows and I want sleep!" waving.
You can also pull up your legs and roll to one side real well. That scares me so now I am changing you on the carpet using the Irish philosophy of "you can't fall off the floor". I think the Irish were referring to drinking, but it applies. Besides, I feel comfortable walking off for a few seconds to retrieve something I forgot if you are on the floor. The only think I have to worry about is Pookie coming along and you grabbing her.
That's another thing: you are gripping things and it seems not so accidental. Like the cat (she really doesn't seem to mind), my hair (I don't mind either. Yet.), my shirt, or the blanket I lay you on. You also occasionally hook one of your toys and flail that around. But I really love the way that you will grab the tip of one of my fingers, and pull it towards your mouth and chew/lick/dribble on it. I just melt when you do that.
Anyway, you are still growing like a weed, eating like a pig, and doing a great imitation of David Byrne. I can't wait to see what month 3 brings.
Getting Things Organized
8 years ago
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