Friday, July 09, 2004

We watched Peter Pan last night. The live action version that came out last Christmas. Enjoyable. Wendy Darling is a preteen who tells her brothers stories. She tells stories like Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty, but she manages to stick pirates into the tales (my kind of girl). Anyway, Pan shows up, etc.etc. etc. Listee Jason Isaacs plays both Mr. Darling, Wendy's mild-mannered dad, and Captain Hook (nice Freudianisms can be gleaned from that arrangement - indeed when Wendy first sees Captain Hook she is fascinated more than afraid). Olivia Williams plays Mrs. Darling. She is a beautiful woman - if you are going to have her in a movie with Jason Isaacs as her husband, couldn't you have one scene where he gives her a kiss? A peck on the cheek? Something? Damn.

Once again JI is the best thing about a movie because he's the Evil Bad Guy. See Dragonheart, The Patriot, and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets for further proof.

Speaking of listees, I am in the process of assembling the best photos of my top 10 favorite actors. I'll stick them up here eventually.

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