Thursday, April 08, 2004

Top 10 things I have heard/learned recently:

10: Jason Isaacs and Ralph Fiennes will be in a movie together called the Chumscrubber. No, I have no idea what a chumscrubber is - someone who washes fishguts of the decks of boats?

9: Jason Isaacs will be on 3 episodes of The West Wing which I have never watched. Guess I will this time although I have a bad feeling: he plays a photojournalist on assignment in Israel. JI has a bad habit of dying and I bet this time it's no different.

8: Christian Bale is Welsh-born with English roots. Damian Lewis is English-born with Welsh roots. I am Kansas City-born with Welsh/French/Dutch/Cherokee/Choctaw/Blackfoot roots. Actually, I've known that last bit for quite a while now.

7: My dad and Ileana have moved permanently to Oklahoma (where the wind comes sweeping down the plain..). They are building a house on the same property where my grandparents used to live.

6: Damian Lewis and Kristen Davis are not getting married, it's just an unfounded rumor. They aren't even dating.

5: Roger Clemens is pitching for the Houston Astros. When the hell did that happen?

4: Some people are getting jewelry deliberately imbedded in their eyeball. I'd rather get my clitoris pierced.

3: Amphibian aircraft use type 4 fuel. It must be true; I saw it in Commando.

2:Yellowstone Park is going to blow sky high... soon... I have a feeling that this one is a bit of overexaggerated net rumor.

1: Xanax = good.

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