Eventually I'm going to move this blog elsewhere. I have discovered due to our DSL connection Jon and I have a certain amount of free web space. I'll probably eat that up pretty quick because I want to post photos. I'll have to do some judicious editing to previous posts because my husband doesn't know about this (yet). I tend to value the unvarnished truth to diplomacy for the most part, but not everybody does.
I did skydive last weekend - 8 jumps. 4 fun jumps and 4 AFF. My grand total is 977; 23 more to go for my nice, round number. God willing and the skies don't rain I should get that by my birthday.
The beer has started to ferment. Last night when I got home from work, I took the lid off my plastic brewing bucket and panicked because I saw no tell-tale yeast foam on the top of the wort. So I went to plan B, which is a good dry yeast. I sprinkled that on top and closed the lid again. I hate plastic buckets because you can't tell what's going on inside. I used to have a 6 1/2 gallon glass carboy but my husband broke it. Do you have any idea how hard it is to find one of those puppies?
So I checked it again this morning and I still saw no activity in the airlock. The airlock incidentally allows built up C02 gas to escape but doesn't allow any other air back in. Good thing or else things would go all explody. Sorry, that's one of my favorite Buffyisms.
Speaking of Buffy (sort of), TNT is now showing Season 4 of Angel. I'm not sure I like what's happening to Cordelia, but I knew she was being too sanctimonious even for her. So she's the Big Bad of the season. And poor Wes. He has no luck with women. Anyway, one recent episode had a demon tear through Wolfram and Hart, inc. Everybody died (but Lilah. Cordy took care of her instead) and came back as zombies. I'm not exactly sure why; but what the hell. You know how much I love zombies.
It's always good to see Faith. Hey, one scene had a random vampire recognize her as a Slayer so he took off running. Apparently not all Buffyverse vampires are stupid. Yes, I'm including Angel and Spike. Neither of them are noted for their deep wisdom.
Back to the beer; I took the cover off again this morning and there is yeast activity. Now I just hope I haven't contaminated the wort. Stay tuned.
Getting Things Organized
8 years ago
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