Friday, July 29, 2005

Funny moment

Funny moment
Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
This great photo was taken by Ileana. Dad and I are sharing a laugh because Brenden let a big one rip. For such a tiny little fellow he can blow some large notes!
Nancy, Mark, and Anthony came for a visit on Tuesday. Nancy wrote about it here; I'd like to add how grateful Jon and I were to have a night of uniterrupted sleep. I woke up every 2 or 3 hours out of habit, but still it was a wonderful luxury.

I got a kick out of Anthony, who is developing his autonomy by insisting "NO!" on everything except "cackas" (crackers). It's something all kids go through from what I understand, so I was getting a sneak preview of 2007.

Nancy put a pic of Brenden on her blog and I want to thank her for giving me a CD of the pictures she took. That pic by far is my favorite of him. It really captures how beautiful he is. I'm going to print out a copy of it to take with me to work. For some reason that picture reminds me of my dad when I was a kid many moons ago.
In a follow-up to yesterday's post: Brenden and I have a new diaper changing ritual. Usually after changing him but before I rebutton his onesie, I usually give him a kiss or a raspberry on his little belly. Now I do the same, but I chant, Beavis and Butthead-like: Breakin the law! Breakin the law!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Oh holy crap! I've kissed my son on the belly button! Oh, hell; will I get arrested because I've wiped his ass? Because I have had to hold up his nutsack to get all the poop off his body? How about washing around his willy? Yeah, that's right! When I give Brenden a bath he's NEKKID!!!

Monday, July 25, 2005

I finally got my head out of my ass long enough to go read some other blogs. If you haven't all ready, you *have* to read this post of Helly's. I lmao'd pretty hard.

Dirty Cat

Dirty Cat
Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
Things must be returning to normal because I'm catblogging again. I know many people hold catbloggers in high contempt, but what do they know? You either have been enslaved by the master race or you haven't. And if you have, then sites like this are like, well, catnip.

7 Weeks

7 Weeks
Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
I love our son. Did I mention that?
This week is my last week of pregnancy leave. I wish I could stay at home; on the other hand it will be good to get my life on track.

We will have help with Brenden here at the house so we won't have to put him in daycare at such a young age. That is a big relief. I'm not against daycare but it is a last resort in my mind.

The big reason I haven't written more in the blog is because I had a whopping case of post-partum depression. My head doc put me on a higher dose of Zoloft, and that seems to be working. Depression sucks; that's all I have to say about that.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Brenden at 6 Weeks

B at 6 Weeks
Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
He's still growing like a weed. He weighs about 12 pounds now. He still sleeps intermittently, although he's good at letting me get a little throughout the night. My blogging is sporadic for many reasons; I hope to post something more in depth sometime this week.

Brenden meets Grandpa

Brenden meets Grandpa
Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
Brenden Edward Maynard meets Ed Boykin, my dad. When Brenden is old enough, he is going to go fishing with his grandpa down at the farm in Oklahoma just like I did when I was a kid.

My 2 sons

My 2 sons
Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
Okay, I hate how I look in this photo. Yes I just woke up. But I do like the way Brenden and I are looking at each other. Then, of course, There's SPOOKY KITTY.

That pillow the three of us are using is 4 feet long and cost $9.95 at Wal-Mart and saved my life when I was pregnant. Now I can't get rid of it.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Chill out

Chill out
Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
Look at those chubby cheeks! Brenden's 5 weeks old today.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Swing Bee

Swing Bee
Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
Brenden at 4 weeks. The kid has more furniture than the rest of the house combined!

Jon and some others have taken to nickname him "B". The first time I heard it I thought about what Faith used to call Buffy. You're mom's a nerd, kiddo.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Aged Cat

Aged Cat
Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
Most people can't find good aged cat at the grocery store. So I'm starting a mail order business where I'll ship aged kitty anywhere in the 48 contiguous states.

This offer void where prohibited by law; Alabama residents add 9% sales tax.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Just a small update today: Brenden went for his 4-week checkup yesterday and clocked in at 10 pounds, 5 ounces. More than 2 pounds since birth. Every thing else is A-OK.

We also have been seeing real smiles, not those nifty gas smiles where his eyes roll in his head and he shows a healthy amount of gums. I can tell he's registering information - if I hold a bottle in front of his face at feeding time his eyes light up and he pretty much lunges for the nipple. And other than his normal "eh - eh - eh - eh" vocabulary, he emits this interesting sound once in a while that reminds me of a kitten. Not a "mew" really, but close. Guess the cats are talking to him when I'm asleep or something.

Monday, July 04, 2005

I totally ripped this idea off from Dooce, who writes a monthly newsletter to her daughter, Leta. If I write these things some time during the first week of the month I figure I'll be doing good.

Dear Brenden:

You are a month old, pretty much. You, your father, and I are of course adjusting to life together. I knew it would be tough as in time-consuming, but I don't think your father understood it until now. I hope he still tries to be a stay-at-home dad, and hopefully we can find some help where you won't have to be put in daycare.

You seem well; I'm vigilant for signs of athsma/allergies or anything else but so far you are healthy. I am still hoping you inherited your dad's immune system and not mine which catches bugs the way Willie Mays caught pop-ups.

You are growing at an amazing rate. I had to move you into a larger crib all ready. Besides, I think you were getting bored of the same white walls and now you can look through the slats. You do seem entranced by the little stuffed kitty I hung from the railing. Good taste, kiddo. Get used to cats.

Just to make sure I do my job of thoroughly embarrasing you when you're old enough to read this, I want you to know I have been sorely tempted to post pictures of you naked. You're little body is so adorable but there's too many whackos in the world plus I don't want to be thrown in the hoosegow for kiddie porn. But I will tell you this: both your pediatrician and a nurse separately complimented you on how good your circumcision looks. I haven't seen many circumsised baby weenies so I couldn't tell you. All I know is I'm glad the doctor didn't slip.

And last: Every day I'm amazed at what I feel for you. I guess it's what they mean by 'bonding'. I was sure I loved you in the hospital but what I feel now makes that time pale. You are a sweet baby and only really cry when you need me to wake up and take care of you NOW, dammit, and sometimes you get gas real bad and there's nothing I can do but wait until you blow it out. Sometimes I get overwhelmed but if your dad is here we tag-team. If he's not then I cry it out, suck it in, and drive on.

To use a cliche, you're a miracle, kid. All I want now in my life is to be able to watch you grow up.

And now for something completely different: I have this pre-ordered. Click on the pic and read the top right blurb in the ad.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

new crib

new crib
Originally uploaded by Sandra Maynard.
Brenden blah blah blah Brenden blah blah blah Brenden blah blah blah Brenden blah blah blah Brenden blah blah blah Brenden blah blah blah Brenden blah blah blah Brenden blah blah blah Brenden blah blah blah Brenden blah blah blah Brenden blah blah blah Brenden blah blah blah Brenden.